About Me

  • My name is Orella and I'm the owner of Art by Rel 
  • I am a freelance Graphic Designer with over 10 years of experience 
  • I am female 
  • I am 33 years old
  • The hair color I was born with is a dark brown, but I love to dye it bright red (Think of strawberry lemonade.)
  • I have hazel eyes that lean more towards being green and less brown
  • I am happily married to my loving and kind husband, Christopher
  • We have two daughters: Joy & Barbara
  • We have a son: Elijah
  • We have two maincoon brothers who are eight years old; Lucas ran away but seems to be living in the area still but Rocket has stayed loyal to us and stuck around.
  • My best online friend is Shayna and she owns Country Pixel Paws. She has brown hair & blue eyes.
  • My best in-person friend is Journey. She's my sister in law and in Christ. She has brownish black hair & brown eyes. She's Indian. A gorgeous chocolate! lol
  • I was raised in Washington state but I now live in Oregon. Honestly I can't wait to get out of Oregon. Haha.
  • I love the color blue (007BFF), THEN yellow (FFD700), THEN purple (7e00ff) & pink (f000ff)
  • I love teddy bears (Nibbles, Scruffie and Buddacup from RPP), I love anything created by Jen (RPP), Tami (WA), Jessie (disbme), Donna (MPP), Debbie (MD) and Mely (MA).
  • I love Christian graphics. There's just not enough of them out there so any kind of sigtag made to glorify God I APPROVE!
  • I love both BFF graphics, couples graphics & baby graphics! I love them because they are not common. It's seems to me that they are special because they take time to create tags and fill those tags. I've made my share of 2+ ppl sigtag in the past for a decade. I understand the extra effort it takes to make those types of tags. Usually I just make them for myself so when I get one of these types of tags gifted to me I am overjoyed & grateful

Need to Contact Me?
Email me: "artbyrel@gmail.com"
I will respond to your email within 24-48 hours.
Thank you for understanding.